
What a miserable week for him.

He fell from mango tree, and broke his finger and right elbow.
I saw the bruise on his back when he takes off his shirt.
He does not smell good when there is tie da jow everywhere on his body. Eww.
Who do you think am I talking about?
Ugh, my poor dad.

That is just a part of OUR miserable week.
Granny will undergo an operation tomorrow
She fell down for her bike and lay unconscious on the street

Here is another story.
My grandpa admitted to a hospital this morning.
I don't know what's his problem
My dad have to stay in the hospital and take care my grandpa till he is back to home.

BY THE WAY, my dad has four brothers,
and I am just wondering why,
Why must my dad stay in the hospital till grandpa is alright?
Why can't they take turn to take care my grandpa?
If they gave a STUPID excuse for not staying there, why can't my dad just do the same thing to them?
Apparantly, I don't like them
This is not fair, this is stupid, it makes NO sense to me.
Who do they think they are? Big brothers?
I HATE their attitude

Things are not going the way it's supposed to be.
Come on, this Sunday is CNY,
They will be fine, I will be okay
Things will change.