
Purpose for starting this blog

Hi there!!~ This is my very first time writing a blog, I have no idea if anyone will ever read this, it's okay anyway. First off, the main point of writing this blog is to improve my English writing, and uh, something I'd like to share =D.
It's 1st January 2010, I have to wonder-if I can keep writing a blog at least once a week until the end of 2010? Oh no, the answer is probably no, anyway, I'll try my best to ''reach my goal''. I listen to radio lately, and I found that-DJs like to play the same song over and over again ( like Tik Tok by Kesha *forgive me* ), it makes me a little bit sick of the song. Maybe it's my fault, I shouldn't let the radio on the whole day.
Well, it's enough for today I think. Tomorrow I'll be back!

Quote of today
All of the animals except for man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it.-- Samuel Butler