
My First Marathon Win.

Woohoo~ guess what, I got the 15Th for KB Marathon in Kelas 2!
I has not been receiving any medal from anyone since standard one. Oh Wow. It's been 8 years.
The moment when I stepped on to the ''stage'',
er, felt empty because I didn't know what to think and I was like dragging a worn out body to the stage.
6.3 kilometers! It can't be easily done if you don't have an exercise habit.
But I am extremely excited here that I actually got the medal with all the sweat.

Actually, I didn't dare to think more about if I can really get a medal before the marathon.
Hoped that I can get, but the main purpose is to lose weight.
I am going to fight in the MMSKL But I have to lose 1 kg in order to get into the category that I wanted.

Mental strength has to be stronger than physical strength
in order to get what you always wanted.

1 comment:

  1. Mental strength has to be stronger than physical strength
    in order to get what you always wanted. !
    i love this :D
