During the 2 months time before Carnival, I can say that I was experiencing the hardest time I've ever had in the past 16 years. The pressure, I had no idea where it comes from. All kinds of problems attacked you out of the blue.
Every leader has to face this kind of problem perhaps, the only difference is the way you solve these problems.
I thought I have done my mission after the Carnival, but then, I realized some serious problem has occured.
The problem comes from the game stall. Initially, we are giving away a MP3 if a person obtains 10 points in a game, but when we check the prices of the MP3 in Jusco, we know that we can't buy it, it is way too expensive. Because of it was just a day before carnival, we've got no time to go other places to find a cheaper MP3. So, I decided to wait after carnival and see if anyone will win. Well, after the Carnival, I was so tired and never think about it. No one else tell me if there is anyone win. I'd forgotten.
5 days after carnival, one of the member in charge told me that there is one guy had won the MP3. I was shocked, stunned there for a minute.
What I have said next was so very wrong. I said : Tell him that we didn't buy the MP3 please.
I shouldn't have say this. Damn it. But I think there is no other words can be replace then.
I didn't think about it after that, I thought what I have said is the solution of the problem.
Who knows, after a week, the member told me the guy is still asking her for the MP3. I didn't really answer her actually, because I don't know what to say! Maybe I was escaping the exist of the problem.
Until the day I met the guy, I know I can't escape the problem anymore, I have to face it. I apologized to him and said that I will find a gift for him as soon as possible. This is the only solution I could think of.
Sadly, it is not the end.
The guy complained everything about this to Mr.Lim. And of course Mr.Lim is mad, he wants to see the person in charge of this.
Great, I am the one.
I will be seeing Mr.Lim on Monday which is tomorrow, well, I am gonna die...
There is so many other reasons that I didn't buy a MP3, I am not cheating I swear to god.
If I ask my teammate to help me to buy, will they? I think not, that's a biggest problem of all time ever.
Can you lend me your shoulder? I just need to cry out loud.